
Rebecca Thomas on Change Capital, Risk-Taking, and Creative Freedom
Rebecca speaks about the relationship between change capital and organizational transformation in an interview with EmcArts.
Rebecca Thomas with Karina Mangu-Ward, EmcArts Director of Activating Innovation
October 2014

Conversations on Capitalization: Overcoming the Obstacles
Why aren’t nonprofits comfortable discussing their business challenges and needs with supporters? Rebecca shares four obstacles to open grantmaker-grantee conversations — and offers some suggestions for overcoming them — in an essay for Nonprofit Finance Fund.
By Rebecca Thomas
September 2014

Change Capital in Action: Lessons from Leadings Arts Organizations
If arts organizations are to thrive in the future, donors must change their funding and financing practices. This Nonprofit Finance Fund publication explores lessons learned by 10 organizations.
By Rebecca Thomas and Rodney Christopher with Holly Sidford, Helicon Collaborative
February 2013

Case for Change Capital in the Arts
The Doris Duke Charitible Foundation invited the Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) to design the Leading for the Future program based on NFF’s concept of change capital.
By Rebecca Thomas and Rodney Christopher with Holly Sidford, Helicon Collaborative
June 2011
Our Publications
March 2020
“Are Cultural Organizations Recession-Ready?”
Grantmakers in the Arts blog
April 2018
“Five Steps to Healthier Working Capital”
SMU DataArts blog
Fall 2015
“Investing in Change: Ten Lessons for Cultural Grantmakers”
Grantmakers In the Arts (GIA) Reader
March 2015
“Getting Capital Right: Six Myths and Realities for Grantmakers: Part 1”
Associated Grant Makers In Philanthropy
June 2014
“Critical Steps Toward Capital Health in the Cultural Sector”
Nonprofit Finance Fund publication
September 2013
“After Overhead: Investing in Nonprofit Financial Fitness”
Philanthropy News Digest
“Capitalization, For Art’s Sake!”
Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) Reader
February 2013
“Change Capital in Action: Case Studies from the Leading for the Future Program”
Nonprofit Finance Fund publication
May 2012
“Strong Balance Sheets, Vibrant Art: Capitalization Concepts and Tools to Help Your Organization Thrive”
Presentation to the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
January 2012
“Capitalization Planning”
Nonprofit Finance Fund blog
December 2011
“All Flexible Funding is Not Created Equal: GOS, Capacity Building Grants and Change Capital”
Nonprofit Finance Fund blog
October 2011
“Ten Traits Nonprofits Need to Make Successful Financial Changes”
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
August 2011
“A New Kind of Money in the Arts: An Interview with Nell Ellington”
Social Velocity blog
May 2011
“Financial Reporting Done Right”
Nonprofit Finance Fund publication
December 2010
“New Ways to Rate Charities Don’t Help Donors Make Smart Bets”
Nonprofit Finance Fund publication